Find out everything you need to know about Farymann diesel engines.
Farymann Diesel Engines GmbH in Lampertheim has operated in its own training centre since 2005. Here, customers and their technicians, dealers and service partners are trained on the corresponding engine types, so that after this training, participants are qualified to carry out preventive maintenance, servicing and repairs to Farymann engines.

Find out everything you need to know about Farymann diesel engines.
These training units cover Farymann diesel engines of types 15 D / 18 D, 15 W / 18 W, 43 F, and 43 W.
Training courses include sales training (1 day) and courses on maintenance and servicing work (2-3 days).
Every participant receives a certificate from Farymann Diesel Engines GmbH, which qualifies him for the corresponding work on Farymann diesel engines.
The courses can be held either here with us or on the customer’s premises.
Training courses are also available in English.
We can also provide information on local accommodation facilities.